Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Heart Went a Flutter

Today I had my monthly check up and celebrated my 2 year anniversary with my husband. Actually yesterday was our anniversary but we went out to eat today. Went to Olive Garden & hit up Bass Pro. I cherish those moments because in 5 & a half months, we will not be able to do this as easily. I can`t believe we are have been married 2 years. Sadly though we have only been in the same place for a whole year, but that is the life of an Army wife. I love my husband & I would do it ALL over again. He is my best friend <3

Now off the mushy stuff, next topic "it". On January 24th, 2011 @ 11:55am we will not have to call our baby "it" anymore! 27 days & we both can not wait! The check up went great. I weigh 127, Dr. said that I was doing great. My blood pressure she said was perfect. We heard the heart beat again, in the 150s-160s. She said it had a good heart beat. We have to go for another ultrasound for them to look at the baby's heart. I have a heart murmur & Matt's sister was born with a hole in her heart (which went away on it's own), they feel they should check it. But that isn`t until sometime in Feb. when I am 22-24 weeks. I`m really not too worried, but if you want to shoot us a prayer, we would appreciate it.

Some very exciting news, we felt the baby flutter! This morning while I was brushing my teeth, I felt a strange feeling. It was exactly how they explained it, a butterfly flapping it's wings against you or a muscle twitch. I can see where someone would pass it off for gas (excuse me). I ran & woke Matt up & he got to feel it too. The look on his face is something I won`t even forget. When the Dr. walked in this morning the first thing she asked was, "Have you felt it move yet?". I explained it & she said yes that was it. It was so cool, I keep hoping it will happen again soon.

I have added a poll on the side for yall to vote on what you think we are having : )

1 comment:

  1. You will never grow tired of hearing the beautiful sound of their heartbeat. Sam and I always use to say how we could listen to it for hours. That is so cool that you are feeling the baby already! It is so awesome once you feel their movement... makes it SO much more real! I can't wait for your BIG appointment!!!
