Monday, May 23, 2011

Pregnancy Survey

Sorry no photos!

How far along?: 35 weeks & 3 days
Total weight gain: 15-16 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
How much does baby weigh?: I think websites say he should be 5 1/2 lbs now
Maternity clothes?: Now that I`m home I got my older sisters maternity clothes, it was like Christmas day! All my bottoms & dresses are maternity. I can still wear normal tops as long as I have a tank top on under it. But I have been wearing the maternity shirts my sisters gave me.
Stretch marks?: Still none BUT I have heard horrible stories about people getting them the last week! I really hope not!
Sleep?: I usually go to bed around 10pm & wake up at 6 - 6:30am. I wake up about twice to use the restroom. But I toss & turn all night & I have dreams all the time now.
Best moment this week?: His nursery is finally coming together
Movement?: All the time but he for sure moves a lot at night
Gender? a boy
Food cravings?: The Florida Citrus Cake at Beans & Brushes in LW! You have to try it!
Labor signs?: Not yet
Belly button in or out?: It is pretty much out but not all the way
What I miss: Wearing cute clothes! I don`t understand why they make maternity shorts come down to your knees & baggy. Just because I`m pregnant doesn`t mean I don`t want to look cute!
What I'm looking forward to: HIM, we are so close!
Milestone: I`ll be 9 months this Friday, I can`t believe that. Well I can because I feel like I have been pregnant forever!

a LONG Time

It has been a long time since I have posted! We left Fort Knox May 3rd & made it home to Lake Wales in a days trip. It was quite the experience since we had to stop every 3 hours for me to walk about 15 minutes (plus walk the dogs). It made the trip much longer, but we were just happy to be heading home. I love that I never have to go back to Kentucky, it is the best feeling! Even though for the first 2 weeks Matt & I kept feeling like we were just on vacation. We now finally feel like we are here for good. We are moved into the ranch house & everything is pretty much in place. I have had 2 baby showers thrown for Parker & I. His nursery is coming together so cute! Matt is working for my Dad & looking for a job, while I am back to work for the Interior Designer I worked for while Matt was deployed. I`ll work up until Parker is born, then I`ll take about a month. I`m going to start looking for work in August, but I have applied at some places already. But I did let them know I won`t be able to start until August.

Sorry for no photos (I have SO MANY to share with yall!). I`m actually on the Internet at my parents house. We have decided we are going to get the Internet at the ranch, but are still looking into who will give us the best deal. We have to get one of those air cards. So for now if we want to get online, we have to come in town to my parents.

I got to keep my ID Card, thanks for all the prayers! It made it all so much less stressful. I have payed for my epidural & I have gone to my first Dr. appointment down here. I go again this Thursday & from then on out I`ll be going every week.

Thank you all for letting me know yall miss my blog! Sometimes I feel like I`m just writing to myself. I promise once we get the Internet at the ranch the post will be coming! Please still keep us in yalls prayers. Between job searching & getting ready for a baby, it has gotten stressful. But I just keep telling myself,  "God doesn`t give us stuff we can`t handle!"