Saturday, April 30, 2011

So Close I Can Taste it!

We leave Monday night for Florida! I can`t believe it is almost here! We got our moving truck yesterday & today we are picking Matt's Dad up from the airport at noon. I am now 32 weeks & am no help for all the moving. I have also been informed to try & sit back & let him & his father clean the house.....but we will see how that goes!

On the pregnancy front everything is going good. I had my 3 hour glucose test on Tuesday, ugh, that was not fun. But thank goodness they called yesterday & I passed! Praise the Lord! I`m a little stressed still with insurance though. Even though Matt won`t be Active Duty, he is going into the National Guard. So we are still keeping Tricare (military insurance), the only difference is we pay for it now. If you are familiar with the military, we use our ID Cards as our insurance cards. Well, when we leave here we have to turn in ID cards. BUT I still have Active Duty insurance till May 28th. Then on May 29, I will be enrolled in the National Guard insurance & will receive a new insurance card. SO I have insurance but no card, & we all know the dr. offices want to see your card when you go in. So I have to have them call a number to confirm I have it & it is just a big pain in the you know what! I just feel like nothing can be easy for us right now. I pray about it every night but my anxiety & worry are still there. I`m reading "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" & chapter 3 is really helping me through all this right now. It is about worry & how it is a sin when it gets to be too much, which is exactly my life right now. I know I shouldn`t worry because it isn`t good for the baby, so then I worry about me. So please pray for me, I know I ask that a lot. But the hormones, the move, the insurance, becoming a new mom, I just feel like I`m running in quick sand. I can`t go a day with out crying (good ole' hormones). I just need the peace of God on me really bad right now.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11: 28-30

1 comment:

  1. Copy the front and back of your ID cards before you turn them in. I know many doctor's offices that will take 'copies' and either way, it will give them a 'hard copy' to trust and hold onto, while they are 'calling that number.'

    Maybe it will be easier to 'let go of your worry' if you change the way you 'think' about things. In a way, with every 'worry' thought, you are sorta saying that you don't really 'trust' God enough to 'handle' all of these things for you. And yet, I know from reading your blog (on my breaks :), you DO know how ALL things are for HIS Glory and OUR good. (big smile) What a blessing THAT is! So really that just means that we can STOP trying to 'control' so many of the details of life. Instead we do the work we know is right in front of us, to the best of our ability, and don't think or worry about what is beyond that.....instead just sit back, relax, have fun, and LOVE. Whatever comes to us, and however it occurs. We can make it into a 'tragedy' or a 'gift'......all in how we choose to think about it. So just start 'practicing' that, in all of your daily thoughts. And what a blessing your baby will receive from that shift in your thoughts.

    The problem that most of us have is we try and 'block out' things we know aren't good for us, or 'fight' their presence. It never works that way. Our brains are hard-wired to 'look at' whatever we allow ourselves to think. So you can't make something 'go away' by saying "don't worry, don't worry, don't worry!" Lol, it just makes you worry more. I mean, what's the first thought that comes to mind when I say to you, "green giraffes?" Exactly. You pictured a green giraffe.

    So you need to find peaceful thoughts, one that make you feel cared for, safe, secure, loved. Whether it is a good memory with your husband or your family or friends, something that when you think of it, you feel really good. And have them at your disposal, so every time you catch one of those 'worry wart' thoughts, you can say, "ooops, sorry God, shifting now to your place of peace" and replace it with one of your loving memories.

    You will be amazed how much this actually works.....we don't realize how much of our 'thinking' process is really a habit that we have gotten into....and whatever habit we can make, we can also break. But not by 'doing it in' but by replacing it with another better habit that serves where we want our lives to grow. And the most wonderful part is your baby will benefit enormously by developing the same new, great habit that mommy is practicing. It's gonna happen either way, might as well make it a new great step for your children and your family!

    All my best, LL.
