Thursday, April 21, 2011

11 Days & Name Change

Sorry I have been MIA lately. It has been crazy around here, & it is going to get crazier. Which I didn`t think was possible but it is.
This is our house right now. It is a crazy mixture of boxes & trying to live around them. The big boxes are Parker's furniture.

Thought I would throw in some photos of the always.
Kitty in blanket
Allie on blanket
This quilt was made by Matt's great-grandmother I believe. We both love it, old quilts are the best. It pretty much is my "blankie". When I don`t feel good I wrap myself up in it & lay on the couch. We always have the problem of the animals thinking it is their "blankie". They are always trying to sleep on it.

Remember in my last post I said that Matt has now claimed Bama as his. Well here are some photos to go with it. They are best friends.
Matt & Bama sleeping
Matt & Bama

So the craziness. Matt doesn`t have to go to work anymore, but that doesn`t mean he is free & easy. When you ETS out of the Army there are many steps you have to go through. He has to get signatures from people all over post. He has to get 2 physicals (which were suppose to be 2 weeks apart, remember 11 days left....opps. Thank goodness they waved that!). He has to turn in all his Army issued gear, which we have to clean & make sure he has it all. If he is missing something we have to pay for it. Plus he is trying to sale his truck up here so we don`t have to haul it down. We are trying to pack & make sure everything with the house is set when we leave. Again if something is wrong with the house, we can end up paying for it. Stressful time right now.

Now add that 30 weeks pregnant. Which I was hoping would be the one thing we don`t have to stress about, think again. First, last week  I got sick in the morning after I ate breakfast, didn`t think much of it. Matt picked me up to go get Parker's furniture from the store. We were riding in his truck & all of a sudden I thought I was going to get sick again. At that moment we were leaving base, going through the gate, no where to pull off. I told Matt pull into the parking lot once we get off base, I was going to get sick. Well all of a sudden everything started to go blurry, which I knew meant I was going to pass out. I keep saying to Matt, "I`m gonna pass out!" He was trying to clam me down & all of a sudden it went black. Thank goodness I was already sitting! I woke up & we were in the parking lot, I opened the door & got sick again. I was most likely out for not even a minute. But it was super scary.

So I called my Mom & she said I should call my Dr. Which I did, but we all know they take forever to call back. They did at about 2pm (all this happened at like 9:30am). They wanted me to come in, which is an hour drive to Louisville. So we go there around 3pm, & they admitted me to Triage. They asked did you pass your glucose test? I said yes because no one ever called me back. They gave me an IV & 2 bags of fluids. They thought either my blood sugar spiked & then dropped or that I was really dehydrated or both. We got home around 6pm, long day.

I went to the Dr. on the 19th for my last check up at Louisville. When we were leaving my Dr. realized my glucose test results weren`t in my file. She sent a nurse to find them & sent us on our way, think we wouldn`t have to come back. Well they called me yesterday, they found my results. I failed the first test, so now I have to go back for the long second one. Did I mention I only have 11 days left here? So I`m going Wednesday for the 2nd LONG test. Please pray for Parker & me. I`m not so much worried about myself. I just pray everything with him is good. My oldest sister went through the same thing & she was borderline. All her babies turned out healthy & I`m hoping the same is for Parker.

As you can see I finally decided on a new name for my blog. My husband was a big help in picking one. The new header & background were made by a good friend who is really talented, Katie. She is the one who designed my header for Branding Iron. I wanted to convey a country/home-y feeling with my new blog name. I love to sit out on my parents front porch on their swing & just think. You see so many people pass by & you hear the birds & see the Spanish moss blowing in the wind. I love sitting out there with my family while it rains & just talking. It is a time to just sit back, relax & talk about life & what is going on. That is the feeling I want yall to have when you read my blog. So I hope you like the new look & name!

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