Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sew, Sew, Sew

My husband as you know, if you actually read my blog, is in the Army. Sometimes they have to go to the "field" to, I guess, kind of practice? haha I`m not too sure, but that is what I get from it. They shoot & things like that, Army stuff. But when he goes in the field, he stays the night out there. Which leaves me alone for 3 or so days. So I have a lot of time on my hands, more then normal. So between Golden Girls, Reba, Gilmore Girls & NCIS, I have been sewing like crazy. I am rarely in the mood to sew my own things, since I sew for others. I think someone told me this saying & I totally believe, "Hair dresses rarely do their hair because they are too tired from doing everyone else's". Now I don`t know if that is true, but that is how I feel about sewing. Don`t get me wrong, I`m am very thankful for my customers. It is my job & I love it. But by the time I`m done doing orders, I don`t feel like working on my own things. Anywho, I finally had time/energy to!

Here is the link for the camera cozy and here is the link for the tote bag. I found the website from my favorite  blog. There are many things I want to make from the website. But here are a couple I popped out today.
Here is the camera cozy. There is suppose to be a button on it, but I have to go buy some.

This is what it will look like closed. Again missing the button.

Here is another cozy.
You can fit your digital camera in it. But I couldn`t take a photo of it holding my camera haha

Here is my tote I made.
Here is a closer view. The tote is called a "summer tote". I`m ready for the summer so I can use it. Maybe it will make a beach trip?!

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