Friday, April 23, 2010

My Heart is Pounding.......

It's almost here & I can`t even believe it! I`m trying to pass the time today. I still have to sweep & clean the floors, wash the comforter & shams & shake out all the rugs. But really that is all I have left. I have been cleaning like crazy today! I even washed the mutts! I`m baking one of those big cupcakes right now.

It is crazy to think it is over. It went fast but in a way it didn`t. I want to cry because I`m just so freaking happy! Never again do I want this to happen EVER! I know I can`t control that but I hope it doesn`t! This year did suck but I did have good moments with family & friends.

This past year we got two new family members, Finley & Tim. I laid out WAY too much with Hayley as we watched the boys swim. I lived with Brannan out at the ranch, enough said! I went for coffee with Ambrey & Mom every Friday. I burned some crazy things with Court at our weekly fires. I spent whole weekends down in Sebring with my Troll (amanda). Had many fun nights in WH at Jennifer & Lauren's apartment.....which always turned into Tanners! I had many of glasses of wine with the girls I know are my real friends.

But I am happy to say goodbye to sleeping alone, paying for my own dinner, always being the third wheel, having my cell phone glued to my hand, avoiding the news, getting sympathy smiles, & all the other FUN stuff that came along!


  1. Excatly what does "enough said" mean? A good thing like "had so much fun staying up all night because Brannan is so awesome" or something better?

  2. I believe something better:)

  3. haha something better! I just meant the ranch part dork!
