Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The In Between.....

Pop quiz.....Question 1. When a girl graduates college and she has been in a serious relationship, what is the first thing people ask? Question 2. When a girl gets married, what is the first thing people ask her? Question 3. When a girl has had a child, what is the first thing people ask her?

Answers: Question 1- When are yall getting engaged/married. Question 2 - When are yall going to have babies. Question 3 - When are yall going to have another.

Can I get an Amen! haha Even with Matt deployed I got the, "So when are yall having kids?" question. I even had an older man on a plane ask me! Sometimes it seem like you are always in the "in between". In the Army either guys are single or married with kids. There are not many couples that are like Matt & I, married with no kids. I swear on Army bases there are more kids then adults! I`m so back and forth everyday it isn`t even funny! I can be in a store and see little girl clothes and I`m like, "OH I want one!". Then I`m in a store and some child is screaming at the top of their lungs because they want something, "OH I don`t want one!" haha I know when it is right, I`ll know. But our plan is to wait till we are back in Florida & settled in. Anyways as you can see, my animals are keeping me quite busy!

1 comment:

  1. Ain't that the truth - people are always pushing you for more, more, more. For what it's worth, as a mother of a newborn, I say take your time and enjoy married life! You guys haven't gotten to experience just being married - you deserve that and all the fun that comes along with it before you throw a baby into the mix. Plus I want to be able to watch your little one grow up and I'll only be able to do that once you are back in Florida!
