Thursday, December 8, 2011

Iron Bowl, Hunting, Auburn & Baby Jesus

We thought Fall was crazy, then Christmas time hits! From here on out there is something not everyweekend but everday!

First we start out with a sad thing......the Iron Bowl. UGH! My Daddy said he wasnt even gonna watch, I should have done the same thing. We went to Lakeland to watch the game at Matt's Mother's house because her parents were down. I have mentioned before that Matt's Papa is the reason he loves Alabama. So I had to watch the game with a bunch of Alabama fans. It wasnt that bad but there was this annoying Alabama fan I wanted to hit in the husband! And to make it worse, he does this to my sweet baby boy.......
Parker & Shelia
He puts him in Alabama clothes! I just have to remember that little boys want to be like their Daddys.
Papa, Matt & Parker
The Bama fans, Papa, Matt & Parker.

The following weekend Parker stayed in Lakeland. Matt & I had a whole "date" weekend. First I got him to try sushi, that is a HUGE thing for Matt. He doesn`t like anything, and he did like this. Then Saturday morning we woke up at 5:30am and went hunting on the ranch. This was my first time hunting, we didn`t kill anything but I had a great time with my hubby!
The Tree Stand
The double tree stand we sat in. It is actually my brother-in-laws, Matt's is just a single. It was not bad at all but the mosquitoes! I was trying so hard not to move around but they were every where! It was peaceful and I`m ready for the next time we get to do that together again.
Matt & me hunting
We didn`t see anything after sitting there about 2 hours, so we started walking.
Walking looking for deer
We did see some does BUT it wasn`t doe season anymore.
I was in full camo but my polka dot boots!
Matt on the ranch with a new calf
When driving back to the house we saw a new born calf. It wasn`t scared so it let Matt walk right up to it. I keep asking, "where is his Mommy?". That is the bad thing about living on a ranch, always worrying about the cows. All I kept thinking about was Parker wondering around by himself!

Saturday night we had another baby shower for Brannan, Tim & Auburn. This one had a great theme, AUBURN!
Brannan's Baby Shower Cake
The cake at the shower. The girl who made it is from Sebring. I can`t remember her name but she did great. I`m really thinking for Parker's first birthday to use her!
Maysen at Brannan's Auburn theme Baby shower
Miss Maysen came in full Auburn attire!

Sunday night Mr. Parker had a big role to play, Baby Jesus! Parker was the 4th generation that has been in the Christmas pageant at our church. This is the first time this has happened! The pageant has not changed from even when my grandmother was in it. All this just makes my heart happy: God, Christmas, family & tradition!
Parker as Baby Jesus at church
He just comes out at the end when he is suppose to be born. He did such a great job, he was happy the whole time!
Parker as Baby Jesus at church
I was on the side through just in case we had to snatch him up.
The Browns
Daddy, Baby Jesus & Mommy. We were so proud!
ML, Daddy & Parker
Me, My Daddy & Parker. My Daddy was just beaming, he loves him some Parker Bany!

Here are just some random photos of the two guys I love!
Like Father Like Son
Ummmmm, like father like son?!?!
Parker Bany
Wearing Matt's Hat
Wearing Matt's Hat
Can we say Christmas Card???

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