Thursday, December 1, 2011

And Now November is Over.....

Once again, I`m late on posting! Maybe December will better?? Again I have tons of photos for yall to catch up on.  First up my two favorite men : )

First buck of the season at 5R ranch
Matt's first buck of the season out on the ranch. Personally, I couldn`t kill an animal. But if my husband kills it, I can totally cook it & eat it haha. We now have plenty of deer meat, which is great if you have never had it.
So big
Our little man isn`t so little! I am totally behind on posting about his growth & development, but yall he is huge! He is bigger then his cousin Maysen who is 3 months older then him. When we went to the doctor for his 4 month check up he was 27 1/4" (which is off the charts for his age) & 18 something pounds (95%). We go back December 27 for his 6 month check up. I can`t believe my little guy will be half a year this month!

Next is Brannan's baby shower my sisters, mother & I threw. We had it at our church where we all grew up at. Everything was pink, girly & cute!
Brannan with Auburn in belly! She will most likely be coming this month & we are super excited for another girl in the family.
The decorations
Auburn Aline
Miss Auburn Aline, herself! Brannan made this & had everyone at the shower sign it.
Basket full with things from the hostesses
My 2nd sister Ambrey found this story online that read you & fill a basket as the story goes. So a line would say, "You will want to give Auburn Huggies & kisses", we would put a pack of Huggies diapers in the basket. It was really cute & the basket was full with some great stuff at the end.

 Thanksgiving! We ate lunch in Lakeland with Matt's Mother family & then came back to Lake Wales for dinner with my family.
Thanksgiving table at my Parents
The table at my parents house Brannan & Mom set. I  brought the pumpkin & candles holders over, so I mean I kind of helped.....
Brannan made this with the kids, it was the table runner at my parents house
Brannan helped the kids make the table runner. For Parker we actually just did his palm print & Brannan painted on his fingers.
Who me
This was Parker's first Thanksgiving!Papa & Parker
Parker & Matt's Papa.
Yes, my baby is wearing camo pants.....
Matt, Papa & Parker
Matt, Papa & Parker
So cute!
The Brown that smile!
The Benton side of the family
4 generations: Papa & Butter, Marcia, Matt & Parker
Mr. Parker
I appliqued the turkey on his onesie with the same turkey on Finley dress. But his was made with more "boyish" fabric. I was actually doing it at like 6 am Thanksgiving morning! Sorry about the drool!
Loves it!
With all that drool he had to get a bath. He loves bath time! Then we headed back home to eat dinner at my parents house.
Parker & Uncle Tim
Parker & Uncle Tim
Saying No
Miss Finley, cute as always
She didn`t want me to take her picture
But that stinker would not let me take a photo of her. I pretty much was chasing her around all night tyring to get a picture of her!
Justin & Hayley
Justin & Hayley
Parker & Mommy on Thanksgiving
Parker & Mommy
Miss Maysen
Miss Maysen in her Turkey Day outfit!
Crazy man!
Daddy swinging Parker. He loves all that stuff now that makes my heart stop. Boys will be boys even that little!
Best Friends
Parker, "MayMay give me your hand". Maysen, "Parker don`t touch me"

On "Black Friday" we didnt hit up Wal-Mart or anything like that. We just had a nice girls day out to the "The Barn". If you have not been, you are missing out. They have cute decorations for inside & out. They also have a restaurant that has some great food.
Miss Finley
Miss Finley was the only one who went with us.

There is so much we are thankful for this year: Moving home, Having Parker, Matt getting a job, & much much more. I hope yall had a great Thanksgiving too! Now its time to get ready for a busy Christmas season! By the way...Parker was asked to be Baby Jesus at our church's Christmas pageant this Sunday! He will be the 4th generation who has been in the pageant, My grandmother, My father, My sisters & I & now him! We are really excited & I`m sure I`ll have tons of photos to share from it!

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