On June 27th my little guy turned 1 year old! I can not believe how fast it went by. So we did his 1 year old photo shoot. We headed outside to the front yard and snapped some. They were working cows that day in the pins behind us so we had a little trouble staying focused on Mommy & not cows. So that explains the reason behind the puffs can in hand.
Parker Facts:
Blonde hair & blue eyes (still think they gave me the wrong baby)
26 lbs (95%)
32 in (95%)
Walking while holding on to things
4 teeth (2 top & 2 bottom)
Saying: Ma (which is for me or when he wants food haha) Da
He babbles a lot
Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Loves the water, swinging, & music
He loves when Matt gets his guitar out, he tries to play it
He loves to dance and clap
He loves being chased
Still sucking his thumb
2 naps a day
On Whole Milk
Eats table food

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