I`m officially now a "working mom".....well kind of. I started subbing the week before and I really do like it. Now I do not like leaving my son & the night before the first day leaving him I was balling my eyes out. My husband reminded me that I won`t be working everyday so it really isn't that bad. I really do enjoy it & I hope one day to have a class of my own, but for now subbing will do.
The Pillow....Parker really is sitting up all by himself now. He does fall back every now & then. This week he started "soft" falling to the side so we are getting better. So, the pillow is still there just in case.

The Pillow....Parker really is sitting up all by himself now. He does fall back every now & then. This week he started "soft" falling to the side so we are getting better. So, the pillow is still there just in case.
A wagon......the other weekend we headed up to North Florida to see Matt's Grandmother (aka Butter) be honored at their local school's homecoming for teaching 35 years (I might be off on the years). Matt & I both love going up there. It is a 6 hour drive so we don`t get to go as much as we like.
Parker in the wagon before homecoming
A Bucket.......last weekend I headed over to my parents to lay out by the pool. It was nice & warm outside but the water in the pool isn`t quite warm enough. So we put some water in a bucket, threw in some toys & let Parker go to town.
Well I have been horrible with his watch me grow pictures. He is now 7 months & I still haven`t taken his 5 months. So we are just going to toss that one off as a loss! So I`ll just update yall now. At Parker's six month check up he was 28 1/2 in. & 22.6 lbs. He is off the chart on both his height & weight. My baby is huge! We measured him the other day because once they hit 30 lbs or 30 in. they should move up to the next car seat. Parker is 30/ 31 inches! Thank goodness Matt's mother bought us his big boy seat already so it is going in the car this week. Sometimes I wonder if they gave me the right baby when I left the hospital!
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