*Get ready for a long post!
I have said it before & I`ll say it again, sorry for all the animal pictures! Until Parker gets here & I actually am around people, they are all I got. Not that you were waiting for this but I figured I would tell a little about each of my models.
This is Miss Kitty, my mother gave me her when I was in 11th grade. Someone at her work found Kitty & her brother (I think) in a tree in their backyard. My mom came home one day & said, "Do you want a kitten?" Which is a stupid question because I`m an animal freak. Ever since 2003 it has been love. Kitty is by my side 24/7. She sleeps with me, sits with me while I sew or while I watch tv. I have said this before but I don`t think she is going to like Parker. Not that I help the fact, carrying her like a baby all the time. She likes me & Matt but she isnt the most friendly cat. She usually hides if someone comes over. She meows the longest meows ever. She has moved everywhere with me. She is my little sidekick. The day she passes is going to be a hard one for me.
This is Mr. Bama. Matt "gave" me him in 2006 for my 21st birthday. I say "gave" because if you ask Matt this is his dog. And also Bama was free, so Matt still owes me a gift! Matt was on the college baseball team & two of his team mates lived together & their dogs had puppies. I know the Dad was a full beagle. The Mom was a pit & I think an Australian Healer? So pretty much Bama is a mutt. He did not get the name Bama because of Alabama University (remember I am a Auburn fan). He got it after the state, NOT the school. My mom is from Alabama & we go there every summer to my great-grandma's old house. Alabama is my second home. Bama grew up inside at first but then Matt moved to the ranch & Bama became an outside dog. He LOVES the ranch, he thinks he is a "cow dog". I hate to break it to him, he is not even close to a real cow dog. But he also loves living inside, Matt says I have turned him into a baby. He loves to play, he will sit by you & cry until you play with him. He likes to sleep in bed with us under the covers. He is a sweet dog, he never meets a stranger, which makes him not a very good guard dog.
This is our youngest, Miss Allie. Matt was at his grandparents house in north Florida. He called me on the way home & said I have a surprise. I knew right away it was most likely an animal. Matt is just as bad as me about taking in strays. Matt thought of the name Allie, because if say Allie Bama is sounds like Alabama. Allie grew up outside, not until we moved to Kentucky did she live inside. She grew up at the ranch. She has always been scared of everything pretty much. She hides when there are any loud noises. She barks at everyone & everything too. She is not a friendly dog, she hasn`t bitten anyone but I get nerves when strangers try to pet her. She is a GREAT guard dog. She loves to be petted, like all the time. If she see you petting Bama she will come & push him out of the way & get right in front of you. In the picture you see she has her duck & my shoe. Allie collects things from around the house & puts them on her bed. Mostly just shoes & socks (she doesn`t chew them), but I have found my pot holders & dish towels before on her bed. She sleeps by my bedside every night & she is very much a morning dog. She is a little strange but really a sweet dog.
So now you can stop worrying about how we got our animals & how they act ; ) Remember I got rid of my Facebook so I have a lot more time on my hands. So get ready for long post like this! I have been one whole day with out Facebook & it really isn`t that bad. Sometimes when I get bored I think, man I wish I could look at Facebook, but all in all, I`m totally fine with giving it up. Some people have asked why I gave it up. I just felt like it was on my heart to. I spent so much time on it. I felt like I should be spending my time doing other stuff. I don`t think there is anything bad about FB at all. I just hate to think there was something that I felt like I couldn`t give up. I like to challenge myself & this will be a challenge for sure! Also, we won`t have Internet at the ranch so I wouldn`t be on that much anyways.
This is one of the things I should have been doing instead of sitting on Facebook for hours, packing! There is a lot more, I just couldn`t fit it all in the picture (I was too lazy to put on a different lens). I have been doing pretty good. Our downstairs looks so bare & boring, but I`m liking it! It means we are getting close to leaving this place! We have set up our appointment to close housing, it is May 2 at 10am! They will come & inspect the house & clear us. But we won`t be leaving till Midnight because that is when Matt can sign out. We are at 26 days today.....I can`t WAIT to get home!
Here are some photos from our past weekend. The weather is finally nice here so the dogs enjoyed wrestling in the backyard. Bama tries to get Allie but she is way to fast for him.

He usually tries to pin her down, but she always gets out & runs circles around him. Sometimes we have to break it up for a second but they usually play nice.
I have to say I love those ears! Bama is the funniest looking dog I swear!
Yesterday I had my first Barxton Hicks contractions. Matt & I went to the outside track for him to work out/run with one of his buddies. While they did their thing, pregnant me just walks & walks around the track. We usually go for about 45 minutes. Well I try & walk at a very fast pace, gotta get that heart rate up! Well I was on my third lap when all of a sudden by my hip bones I go a sharp pain & my belly was really hard. I tried to ignore it & push on through (I figured it was a cramp) but finally I just had to sit down. Matt ran over asking if I was okay & I explained & he asked if it was a contraction. I said I didn`t think so but it felt much better when I sat. So I rested for a second & got back up. This time I went around the track once at a fast pace & it hit me again. So I sat down again & Matt ran over to me asking if I was okay. Don`t you love how worried your husband is about you when you are pregnant? I know if I wasn`t he would probably look over & think, "ahh she is okay" haha. Anyways it stopped & I got back up, this time I just walked at a normal pace. I felt them again but no where near as bad as the first too. The first ones made me want to double over!
I called my sister who just had her baby on March 30th & asked her if they were Braxton Hicks. It is great having someone close to you who just went through everything. I call her all the time asking her question. Pregnancy has weird side effects that are normal & being this is my first time I am always wondering, "Is this normal?" She said yeah that was them. She said dehydration can bring them on too. Well I "got sick" yesterday morning & had not really put anything in me because I didn`t want to "get sick" again. I was telling her too how my hips felt sore or like I needed to pop them (cheerleaders know when I`m talking about). She said she had the same thing too near the end. I just pray this little guys stays in there until at least we get back home. So if you don`t mind praying that too I would greatly appreciate it!
So you might be wondering why the title of my post is Making Changes. With Matt getting out of the Army soon I technically won`t be an "Army Wife" anymore. Well he is doing the National Guard, but I won`t be a full blown Army Wife. So I`m going to change the name of my Blog. To what.....I don`t know yet. It is really hard thinking of something. I want to convey a feeling of country & family & life with my new name. Matt & I have been throwing around some ideas but nothing has stuck yet. With this I`ll be changing my url also, you will be redirected to my new one if you have this one saved. But I`ll let yall know when this all happens.
I told yall get ready for a long post!
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