Monday, March 28, 2011

Coming Home

Being an Army wife, I watch Army Wives on Lifetime (cliche I know!). One of the soldiers died on the last episode. While I watched I was balling my eyes out because 1. I`m pregnant 2. That was my biggest fear. It is weird to think that almost 2 years ago Matt left for Afghanistan & almost a year ago he returned. I missed him so much, he was always on my mind. And to be honest always in the back of my head was the thought he could never come home.

So this morning when he came in from PT, I went up to him & hugged him & started crying. Now my husband has learned that while I`m pregnant I just start crying for no reason. He is use to it but I told him I actually have a reason this time. I was thankful to the Lord that he made it through that year safely & that we will most likely never have to go through that again. It is so easy to take him for granted. My husband can be messy, he leaves a trail of clothes when he comes in, tracks in dirt, can`t seem to throw his dirty clothes in the hamper & all the other things husband do that annoy us wives. Some days he makes me want to scream, but last year at this time I would have gave anything to have him with me. It seems I so easily forget that time.

So next time he does one of those things I`ll smile & thank God I have him here to do those things. There is a lonely wife out there right now who would give anything to have her husband track in dirt. If you are interested in reading post from the time Matt was gone click on Deployment on the right side under Tags.
The day he left, pretty sure I have never cried that hard in my whole life.
When he came home for R & R, we had not seen each other in 9 months.
My favorite photo of us. One of the happiest days of my life.
The HAPPIEST day of my life, his deployment was OVER!!!
I prayed every night to God to please bring him home safe. God did just that, but not everyone is so lucky. Please remember the troops & their loved ones back home.


  1. Very touching post. I know what you mean. Every day they are gone you pray you will have them return to you. It is so hard at times to just pray for God's will. I will say these times apart (4 deployments now) I have grown more than any other time in my life. I am so glad you guys will get to move home very soon and just enjoy being together as a new family of three!

  2. I watched that episode last night as well and cried, of course. I felt very thankful that my husband hasn't been deployed yet. He is on this next deployment in September for 6 months, but he isn't sure if he's going because he's on a medical profile with Asthma. I can't imagine going 9 months without seein him.I really admire you for going through that with Matt. But you never know with the military. Sometimes it is hard to not let the things bother you, like husbands being messy, leaving clothes, dirty dishes and whatever else laying around. We forget that they could get called away at any moment. I wish I could remember that more then not. Just wanted to say good blog, it struck home with me. :) Hope you and baby are doing well.
