Friday, January 1, 2010

I Want to BOIL!

Open a new window & listen to this while you read (sorry I don`t how to make it as a video on here).

What's your resolutions? I usually have a list of a lot of little things, and do I keep haha. I just have one big one that will change a lot of little things. I want so bad to be a better Christian in my day to day life. Simple you would think, but it isn`t. I love God, but to the outside world I don`t think you would know that. And it shouldn`t be like that. God is knocking and I run to answer but then it is like I hear something in my house and forget I was going to open the door. "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!" Revelation 3:15-16 (NLT) YIKES! I am so lukewarm it isn`t even funny, and God doesn`t like that.

There are somethings I feel either take away or totally get in the way of me trying harder. Two I know of that stick out bad are drinking & Facebook. Now on the subject of drinking & being a Christian. I do not think it is a sin to have a glass of wine (or a beer) with dinner. I think altering your state of mind (drunk) is, & I`m not going to act like I have never done that, cause I have. But sometimes I rely on it like, "Oh I had a bad day, I need a big ole glass of wine!". WHEN I should be, "Oh I had a bad day, I need alone time talking to God!" Anything you put over God is a sin, and I do that with drinking. So I`m only going to have A (just ONE) glass of wine when I drink AND it can`t be after a bad day! Now on the subject of Facebook (I know I`m a loser)! I wake up & get on, I should be reading my Bible. So I`m going to have my mom change my password and only she will know it and I can only get on once a week. Actually letting go of Facebook is harder then the drinking hahaha.

So my blogger readers, help me out. PRAY for me. I`m not a saint and I don`t try act like one. I fail A LOT, but I`m trying and I would LOVE some guidance!

Happy New Year : )

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