Today I had my monthly check up and celebrated my 2 year anniversary with my husband. Actually yesterday was our anniversary but we went out to eat today. Went to Olive Garden & hit up Bass Pro. I cherish those moments because in 5 & a half months, we will not be able to do this as easily. I can`t believe we are have been married 2 years. Sadly though we have only been in the same place for a whole year, but that is the life of an Army wife. I love my husband & I would do it ALL over again. He is my best friend <3
Now off the mushy stuff, next topic "it". On January 24th, 2011 @ 11:55am we will not have to call our baby "it" anymore! 27 days & we both can not wait! The check up went great. I weigh 127, Dr. said that I was doing great. My blood pressure she said was perfect. We heard the heart beat again, in the 150s-160s. She said it had a good heart beat. We have to go for another ultrasound for them to look at the baby's heart. I have a heart murmur & Matt's sister was born with a hole in her heart (which went away on it's own), they feel they should check it. But that isn`t until sometime in Feb. when I am 22-24 weeks. I`m really not too worried, but if you want to shoot us a prayer, we would appreciate it.
Some very exciting news, we felt the baby flutter! This morning while I was brushing my teeth, I felt a strange feeling. It was exactly how they explained it, a butterfly flapping it's wings against you or a muscle twitch. I can see where someone would pass it off for gas (excuse me). I ran & woke Matt up & he got to feel it too. The look on his face is something I won`t even forget. When the Dr. walked in this morning the first thing she asked was, "Have you felt it move yet?". I explained it & she said yes that was it. It was so cool, I keep hoping it will happen again soon.
I have added a poll on the side for yall to vote on what you think we are having : )
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Pregnancy Survey
How far along?: 14 weeks & 1 day
Total weight gain: 3 lbs
How much does baby weigh?: 1 1/2 ounces (
Maternity clothes?: 2 pairs of jeans but still wearing my normal shirts.
Stretch marks?: Nope & I hope never! I have been rubbing my body down with coco butter haha
Sleep?: I usually fall asleep on the couch around 7pm to 8pm. I try to sleep there until Matt is ready for bed. Then once we are my sleep is good BUT I wake up at 11pm, 2am, & 4am to go bathroom. I have never been someone who can sleep in but now it is worse. I usually get up between 5:30 - 6am.
Best moment this week?: That I can still run a 10 minute mile!
Movement?: Not any yet, can`t wait!
Gender? No idea. But we will be finding out in 6 weeks!
Food cravings?: Italian food mostly. But I have been craving a fountain Mountain Dew, don`t worry I haven`t had one!
Labor signs?: I pray that won`t happen for another 6 months!
Belly button in or out?: In
What I miss: I miss just feeling "normal hunger". Now when I get hungry it is a mad dash to the food while I`m gagging haha
What I'm looking forward to: Finding what we are having!
Milestone: Being in the 2 trimester
Total weight gain: 3 lbs
How much does baby weigh?: 1 1/2 ounces (
Maternity clothes?: 2 pairs of jeans but still wearing my normal shirts.
Stretch marks?: Nope & I hope never! I have been rubbing my body down with coco butter haha
Sleep?: I usually fall asleep on the couch around 7pm to 8pm. I try to sleep there until Matt is ready for bed. Then once we are my sleep is good BUT I wake up at 11pm, 2am, & 4am to go bathroom. I have never been someone who can sleep in but now it is worse. I usually get up between 5:30 - 6am.
Best moment this week?: That I can still run a 10 minute mile!
Movement?: Not any yet, can`t wait!
Gender? No idea. But we will be finding out in 6 weeks!
Food cravings?: Italian food mostly. But I have been craving a fountain Mountain Dew, don`t worry I haven`t had one!
Labor signs?: I pray that won`t happen for another 6 months!
Belly button in or out?: In
What I miss: I miss just feeling "normal hunger". Now when I get hungry it is a mad dash to the food while I`m gagging haha
What I'm looking forward to: Finding what we are having!
Milestone: Being in the 2 trimester
MeRRy ChRiSTMaS!!!!!
Well I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas today. Last Christmas Matt was deployed so really this is our first Christmas together AND last just me & him. Next year our baby will be 6 months old on Christmas. We are enjoying our white Christmas, this will most likely be our only one ever. But we miss home & our families very much. I would say I miss the Christmas eve church service the most, then we go to my sister's house for champagne & finger foods. But this will be our only Christmas away from home, so I can suck it up haha

Here we are this morning in front of our tree....please excuse my husband for wearing a shirt with such a dirty word on it ; )
The boys playing with a new toy
My picture from my husband. It is from a local primitive store I LOVE. It is a hand stitched picture & at the top it says "Blessed are those who dwell in your house" Psalm 84:4
It snowed all Christmas eve night, and is actually snowing again right now!
Here is my newest belly shot (14 weeks & 1 day). I feel like I just look chubby, I haven`t "popped" yet.
Which means YES I`m in the 2nd trimester! I really thought I was feeling better this past week. Guess I spoke too soon because I got sick twice on Tuesday. From that day I have gotten better though. I can tell a difference for sure. Actually we have been going to the gym instead of doing our home workout/dvd. I have walked the treadmill for 25 minutes on incline & then ran a mile 3 times this week! We have an inside track, which is nice because the treadmill is boring & outside is too cold! I weighed myself on Monday & from my pre-pregnancy weight I had gained a total of 3 lbs. Which I was very happy! We go Tuesday for my next check up, we will see how much I weigh then. We have been pigging out on Christmas candy so I`m a little worried! We should be making our appointment for the "big" one when we go Tuesday. I want to know what my little baby is, a boy or a girl. I don`t really have a gut feeling of what I think it is. I just can`t wait to find out!
I hope yall are having a Merry Christmas : ) Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
12 Weeks & COLD!
Today I am 12 weeks along. 2 more weeks & I`ll be out of the first trimester! It is going by pretty quick. We go December 27th or 28th for another appointment. I`m really hoping I get to hear the heart beat again. And I`m REALLY thinking about making Matt record it on one of our phones. Does this mean I`m going to be a crazy mama? My poor poor kids haha.
I`m feeling a little better now. In the morning right when I wake up/after I eat I feel blah, but not that I`m going to lose my breakfast. At night around 6pm I start to feel blah again but really it is just being REALLY bloated. I think if I entered a burping contest I would totally win. I`m still working out after lunch everyday. I have been going to the gym because it is WAY to cold to go outside. So I have been on the treadmill. When I found out I was pregnant I was running 3 miles most days, then it went to a mile & a half, then it went to a mile. And now I`m sad to say I`m not running anymore. I walk on the treadmill for 30 mins, speed 4 incline 6 or 7. This gets my heart rate up to 160 which is not much under what it was when I was running. I just stopped running this week. It just felt like I had smoked a pack of cigarettes & then tried to run. I know I`m not out of shape but it feels like it. I also have a workout DVD I do, which is not a pregnancy one. For those of you wondering if I should workout. I have asked my Dr. & she said it is totally fine, if I was doing it before I was pregnant I can do it now. So no worries : )
I`m feeling a little better now. In the morning right when I wake up/after I eat I feel blah, but not that I`m going to lose my breakfast. At night around 6pm I start to feel blah again but really it is just being REALLY bloated. I think if I entered a burping contest I would totally win. I`m still working out after lunch everyday. I have been going to the gym because it is WAY to cold to go outside. So I have been on the treadmill. When I found out I was pregnant I was running 3 miles most days, then it went to a mile & a half, then it went to a mile. And now I`m sad to say I`m not running anymore. I walk on the treadmill for 30 mins, speed 4 incline 6 or 7. This gets my heart rate up to 160 which is not much under what it was when I was running. I just stopped running this week. It just felt like I had smoked a pack of cigarettes & then tried to run. I know I`m not out of shape but it feels like it. I also have a workout DVD I do, which is not a pregnancy one. For those of you wondering if I should workout. I have asked my Dr. & she said it is totally fine, if I was doing it before I was pregnant I can do it now. So no worries : )
Here is a photo of me at 12 weeks. I have gained 2lbs but I can say my pants do feel different. I think this weekend I`m going to get some maternity jeans. I just get that little bump in my jeans & it looks like I ate too many cookies! I just think they will be more comfortable.
Other news here is it is COLD! Well actually it has warmed up to the 40s for the high. I`m sad to say I`m becoming a Yankee. At home right now in Florida the highs are the 50s & I think oh that is nothing! I would be wearing flip flops haha. But the snow is super nice, this will be our only "white Christmas" so we are trying to enjoy it. I want to say a shout out to my SIL Makenzie! She is turing 17 today. When Matt & I started dating she was in 6th grade! It is crazy! She is a awesome girl, she will be a great remodel for our kids : ) Happy Birthday!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Here We Go.....
It is out now that we are having a baby! We told my parents when they came to visit for Thanksgiving. When I picked them up from the airport I had crackers I was eating. My Mom asked if I was sick & I said I was just a little hungry. She said she thought that was it but didn`t want to ask. So we got back to the house, & Matt got there 30 mins later. I was so nervous to tell them, like I was 16 or something! haha I told them the Cattlemen's convention was June 20 - 24 (down in Marco Island, we go every summer). But I said I don`t think we can go this year. My Mom jumped up & yelled & started laughing. My Father was a little confused, my Mom yelled, "She's pregnant!" haha. It was nice to be able to tell them in person. Then Matt talked to his Mother, who is now newly engaged! So Matt told her & then called his Father & told him. This will be the 5th grandchild for my parents & the 1st for Matt's parents, but they are all very happy & can`t wait to meet "Little Brown".
I`m 11 weeks today. Yesterday we went & heard the heart beat. I`m surprised I didn`t tear up, I think I was more amazed then anything. We had been waiting for 2 hours in the waiting room, & it took 5 mins but it was so worth the wait! She started it & we didn`t hear anything, Matt & I were both holding out breath! Then we heard it! She said it was a quite fast one (166-172), which CAN mean a girl. Matt just shook his head, but we will see! I wish I could have laid there all day & listened to it. I would have totally recorded it & played it on my Ipod all day haha. I don`t look pregnant, but that makes me feel it so much more! So far I have gained 2 pounds so I`m doing good. I just have to keep up my cardio, which is harder now because it is sooooo cold outside AND snow! I don`t even wanna walk to my car. So we called Grandparents & siblings, told all them. Then we texted our close friends. So it is out there now : )
I`m 11 weeks today. Yesterday we went & heard the heart beat. I`m surprised I didn`t tear up, I think I was more amazed then anything. We had been waiting for 2 hours in the waiting room, & it took 5 mins but it was so worth the wait! She started it & we didn`t hear anything, Matt & I were both holding out breath! Then we heard it! She said it was a quite fast one (166-172), which CAN mean a girl. Matt just shook his head, but we will see! I wish I could have laid there all day & listened to it. I would have totally recorded it & played it on my Ipod all day haha. I don`t look pregnant, but that makes me feel it so much more! So far I have gained 2 pounds so I`m doing good. I just have to keep up my cardio, which is harder now because it is sooooo cold outside AND snow! I don`t even wanna walk to my car. So we called Grandparents & siblings, told all them. Then we texted our close friends. So it is out there now : )
Here is a photo of my at 4 weeks & 2 days (the day we found out). Sorry my hair is a hot mess! I`ll post one soon of me now.
First Doctor Visit
I finally went to my first doctors appointment! It was on Friday Nov. 5th in Louisville. This will be where I am going while we are in Kentucky. But we will be moving back home when I`m about 7 months pregnant. I still need to call my doctor back home to figure all that out. This is a big stresser for moving, Matt having to find a job, me being pregnant.....a whole lot to think about! But all I can do it pray & put it all on God. He has a plan for us even though I can see it right now : )
My doctor appointment went very good. A normal check up & blood work. I was 6 weeks & 6 days when we went & I had not gained any weight...yet haha. We go back again Dec. 2 to hear the heart beat, I`ll be 11 weeks. We are waiting to tell family after we hear the heart beat. I can not wait to go!
For the past week I would say I feel sick as a dog, morning, afternoon & night! I have crackers laying by my bed cause I wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I really only feel good right after I eat. So that is when I try & do my cardio. I was really hoping I wasn`t going to be a morning sickness person but nope. I`m feel horrible all the time. I can not wait to get out of the first trimester!
I went to one of my friend's bachelorette party this past weekend in Nashville. That was a trip, having to pretend I was drinking haha. Sometimes I would get a beer & just hold it & put it to my mouth (don`t worry didn`t drink any!). But then I started thinking, while doing that is a good beer stayed full haha. Sometimes I got Sprite & said it was a mixed drink. But I had fun & it was great seeing everyone.
My doctor appointment went very good. A normal check up & blood work. I was 6 weeks & 6 days when we went & I had not gained any weight...yet haha. We go back again Dec. 2 to hear the heart beat, I`ll be 11 weeks. We are waiting to tell family after we hear the heart beat. I can not wait to go!
For the past week I would say I feel sick as a dog, morning, afternoon & night! I have crackers laying by my bed cause I wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick. I really only feel good right after I eat. So that is when I try & do my cardio. I was really hoping I wasn`t going to be a morning sickness person but nope. I`m feel horrible all the time. I can not wait to get out of the first trimester!
I went to one of my friend's bachelorette party this past weekend in Nashville. That was a trip, having to pretend I was drinking haha. Sometimes I would get a beer & just hold it & put it to my mouth (don`t worry didn`t drink any!). But then I started thinking, while doing that is a good beer stayed full haha. Sometimes I got Sprite & said it was a mixed drink. But I had fun & it was great seeing everyone.
Wait....Why Was I Crying?
Today was one of those days that my hormones over took me. I think I have cried about 6 times haha. I was upset, my cat keeps going to the bathroom outside of her box & I don`t know what to do. So I cried about that a couple times. Then I called my doctor back home to talk to them about us moving home when I`m 7 months pregnant. They were saying they weren`t say no but they have to sign off on it. Ugh....stress! So I cried over that too. Bless my husband's heart, I told him to bare with me haha.
I wake up early now for some reason, it might be the going to bed at like 7pm! Anyways on Wednesday Beth Moore has a bible study on "Life with Jame Robison". If I`m up early enough I love to watch it. I love Beth Moore! What she was talking about was dread. It hit home for sure. I have dread about us moving & being jobless. I have dread about what if the doctor won`t take me when we move back. My biggest dread....child birth. Now let me explain, I`m over the moon about what comes from the child birth, MY BABY! I can`t wait to meet him or her! But I would be lying if I didn`t say I`m scared of the actually birthing part. I know, I know, women have been doing this forever. BUT this will be the first time for me and I`m scared. Only one thing can take my "dread" away....God. It is so hard to just let go & let God. But I know it is the only thing I can do.
I wake up early now for some reason, it might be the going to bed at like 7pm! Anyways on Wednesday Beth Moore has a bible study on "Life with Jame Robison". If I`m up early enough I love to watch it. I love Beth Moore! What she was talking about was dread. It hit home for sure. I have dread about us moving & being jobless. I have dread about what if the doctor won`t take me when we move back. My biggest dread....child birth. Now let me explain, I`m over the moon about what comes from the child birth, MY BABY! I can`t wait to meet him or her! But I would be lying if I didn`t say I`m scared of the actually birthing part. I know, I know, women have been doing this forever. BUT this will be the first time for me and I`m scared. Only one thing can take my "dread" away....God. It is so hard to just let go & let God. But I know it is the only thing I can do.
Sitting Around Waiting on Two Pink Lines.....
No more waiting : ) Matt & I are excepting our first child somewhere around June 25, 2011. We are so happy & thankful to God! I just can`t believe it. When I looked at the test I just started crying & thanking God for this. Right now I`m 4 weeks & 2 days, I think : )
.Last week I felt really sleepy at night, but I didn`t think to much of it. On Friday I went grocery shopping & felt a little strange. When I got home I took a test & it was negative, that was at 4 weeks. So then Saturday we went to bed really early cause I was just so sleepy. I had two dreams about being pregnant that night. I woke up at 6:30am & for some reason I was like, "I need to take a test". Sure enough, two pink lines. I was going to try & wait to tell Matt once he got up BUT I couldn`t. So I got my prop I bought for this a long time ago, a child's dinner plate & cup. One said future Auburn fan (which they will be!) & the other future Alabama fan. I laid them on the bed, & work him up. I said, "I wonder which one they will be?" He looked at me like I was crazy. Then I showed him the test. We then went to Wal-Mart & I took two more. All said YES!
As of right now, we are not telling anyone about it. We want to so bad, but it works out we live up here. Makes it easier to not tell anyone. I`m calling tomorrow to get my first Doctor appointment. Life as we know it is about to change (for the GOOD) forever <3
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Turners Visit!
Sadly my brother-in-law's ,who is married to my oldest sister, grandmother passed away. They are from Indiana. The furnal is being held there. So on their way up they stayed with us one night. Horrible situation but I was so happy to see them.
My house is decorated for Fall & Halloween. With having no kids, I have a lot of stuff on the ground or "Kid eye level". Well Mr. Grady found them all. He had the ghost talking with the scarecrows, it was too cute!
The boys loved running around the backyard with Bama & Allie.
But I know Bama loved it just as much as them. He loves for someone to play with him outside.
Then the boys found sticks & started playing Ben Ten....they are obsessed! Don`t worry that mower doesn`t have anything in it (no blade or anything)!
Miss Priss loved letting Allie & Bama kiss her. She would just giggle!
Miss Finley playing with Uncle Matt's helmet.
I`m so happy they got to stop by. But it makes me see my house is not really "kid friendly"! I wish they could have stayed longer. But we will be back in 6 months & I`ll get to see them all the time!
Friday, October 8, 2010
We Are Back.....
Vacation is over, we left Sept. 23 for Florida. We came back on Oct. 5, it was a great trip. Long car drive 14 hours (but that doesn`t count stop for the rest areas & gas for the car) with 2 dogs & a cat BUT a great trip. Oh how we missed home so much. We split our time between Lake Wales & Lakeland for the most part, then we headed to North Florida to Matt's Grandparents house, then back to Kentucky. Those 2 weeks went by SOOOOO FAST! Ugh, it kinda makes me mad >:{ We felt like we just never had enough time to see everyone & do everything. Most night we barely got sleep cause we were staying up late with everyone laughing & talking. Here are some photos from the trip:
My niece Finley, she would not come to me BUT she loved Uncle Matt. Little stinker! Every time I tried to get her from him she would cry!
The first night we got there we stayed at my parents. So the next morning I work up early & ate breakfast with Colton, my nephew, before he went to school. I can`t believe he is so grown up!
Matt's sister is a Varsity cheerleader. We went & watched her at the game that first Friday night we were there. Me being a retired cheerleader I was SOOO excited : ) She did great! Maybe a future Warner University cheerleader?!?!
Matt's Mother cooked dinner for us & some of our close friends. It was great to see everyone & get caught up on whats going on in every one's lives!
As always we had a party at the ranch while we stayed in Lake Wales. Nothing better then good friends, a fire & some drinks!
This was our last morning at the ranch when I was packing the car. The dogs use to live at the ranch until I moved them up here. Bama has always loved it out there. I think he knew it was the last time for a while he would see it. Too cute.....p.s. I know we need kids hahaha
This was the morning we left, saying goodbye to my parents. I didn`t cry at all.....until I got in the car & I balled my eyes out. I was so sad to go, I love my family, friends & this town. But I love my husband & I`ll go where ever he goes.
So we are back in Kentucky....blah. BUT I think God knew I would be sad leaving my home, so he gave me this:
Now you don`t see that in Florida! It is so pretty here right now....I love fall!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy....
If you can`t tell.....I have been busy. I have a lot of applique/embroidery orders. I`m so happy my "little business" is picking up. I`m almost done with them, and next week I have to work on stuff for my sisters. Lucky girls, get all the free embroidery & appliques for their kids they want : ) But on top of me going into my sewing room & not coming out for hours, we are going home next week! I can`t wait!!! We are first heading to Matt's hometown for 4 days, then heading over to my hometown for 4 days, then his cousin is getting married, then we are heading up to north Florida to see Matt's grandparents, & then back to Kentucky (2 week trip). I can`t wait to see my friends, sisters & parents, I`m going to try not to cry!
I had a nice visit from one of my good friends on Tuesday, Lauren. We went to college together & our sophomore year for a semester, we lived together. I moved back home the next & just commuted (like 10mins haha). She now works at the college we attended. She was traveling for work, first in Ohio, then Kentucky. We only got to hang out for a couple hours, but it was great. We just sat & talked. I miss doing that with my good friends. In the army you are always meeting new people. I always feel I have to be a better version of myself. It was nice to be with a friend & act myself. Thanks Lauren for coming to see me! Sorry again hahahahaha you know what I`m talking about ; )
I had a nice visit from one of my good friends on Tuesday, Lauren. We went to college together & our sophomore year for a semester, we lived together. I moved back home the next & just commuted (like 10mins haha). She now works at the college we attended. She was traveling for work, first in Ohio, then Kentucky. We only got to hang out for a couple hours, but it was great. We just sat & talked. I miss doing that with my good friends. In the army you are always meeting new people. I always feel I have to be a better version of myself. It was nice to be with a friend & act myself. Thanks Lauren for coming to see me! Sorry again hahahahaha you know what I`m talking about ; )
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Brown Sugar Pork Chops
You will need 4 Pork Chops, 4 potatoes (cubed), 3 apples (I used 2), 1/2 onions chopped (I didn`t use, Matt doesn`t like them....I know), 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, & 2 Tablespoons of brown sugar packed.
The Pork Chops need to be browned.
It said to put the Pork chops in a 8x8 baking dish but I put mine in my casserole dish. Then layer the potatoes & apples on top. Then sprinkle with brown sugar & cinnamon. Bake for a hour at 350 degrees.
I served it with corn on the cob, nice autumn dinner.
We are going home in 15 days, I can not WAIT! I`m so ready to see everyone!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A Different Kind of Church.....
First off WAR EAGLE : ) Last night was the opening game of college football & we won. Matt went to a friends house to watch another game (Matt is an Alabama's his only downfall). So I stayed at the house by myself & watched the game. I decided to go over there at half time & we were going to flip between the Auburn game & the UNC game. WELL I get there & 2 fumbles & a touchdown by Arkansas State made me leave! It was bad luck for me to be there! So I went BACK home to watch the game by myself, that way I can yell & I don`t feel so stupid haha.
Now to my post! A cold front came through here yesterday, the weather is perfect! So when I woke up this morning to get ready for church the temp. was 55degrees outside & sunny! So I decided to play hooky & have a different kind of church service.
Now to my post! A cold front came through here yesterday, the weather is perfect! So when I woke up this morning to get ready for church the temp. was 55degrees outside & sunny! So I decided to play hooky & have a different kind of church service.
I grabbed my Bible, Ipod, coffee & a slice of Apple Bread & headed outside. I turned on some Third Day & Chris Tomlin, ate my breakfast, had my coffee, & just listened.
When I lean my head back in my chair this is my view. For me, trees & the sky are like my comfort of God. Look at that.....there is no way God didn`t make that. It is so pretty & peaceful. So I sat prayed & read my Bible. I`m not saying it is okay to skip Church, but I think I needed this morning. I have such a renewed spirit I feel like. Just sitting there in God's beautiful creation. There was a little breeze blowing through too, I`m telling you it was perfect. I really felt God there with me.
BUT another church member kept bothering me! haha She wanted me to pet her.
And this church member was knocked out haha
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Fall Recipes
Growing up in FLA you learn a few things about our "seasons", hot & hotter. Now we do get a cold time (can range from a week to a month). But most Halloweens, Thanksgiving & even Christmas you can wear shorts. THIS is why the snowbirds flock to FLA. But we do not have a fall at all (well in our hearts). So now I`m in Kentucky and fall is the ONE thing I have to look forward to. I can`t WAIT until the leaves change. We are going home at the end of this month for a 2 week trip to see everyone. By the time we get back it should be beautiful here.
I have a fall Gooseberry Patch Cookbook, it is the Taste of Autumn one. It has recipes, craft & tips. So I`m going through pretty much the whole cookbook this fall, that is the plan. I figured I would feature a recipe each week from it. This week:
I have a fall Gooseberry Patch Cookbook, it is the Taste of Autumn one. It has recipes, craft & tips. So I`m going through pretty much the whole cookbook this fall, that is the plan. I figured I would feature a recipe each week from it. This week:
Apple Bread (Makes 2 loaves)
You need 3 eggs (Beaten), 2 cups Milk, 1 cup oil, 1 T vanilla extract. Mix together in a bowl.
Then you will need 3 cups flour, 1 t. baking soda & 1 t. cinnamon. Mix together then add the egg mixture from above.
You will need 3 to 4 apples, cored & chopped. **1 cup chopped pecans (I did not add, my husband does not like nuts)** Fold them into mixture. Then put into a 9x5 loaf pan that is greased & floured. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour & 10 minutes.
The final result!!! It made the whole house smell great.
This was my lunch : ) It tasted great, really gets you in the "fall" mood. I actually did half of everything because I only had one loaf pan. But the directions I gave you are the original directions for 2 loaves.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sewing, Embroidry, & Applique Blog
Above is the link to a new blog I have set up. It is to show all my sewing, embroidery & appliqueing. I have been doing jobs here & there for family & close friends. But I have not really said to the world, "Hey I can do stuff for you!!!" So, there! I have said it! If you follow this blog please follow my new blog, Branding Iron Boutique. My family is into ranching. My husbands & mine goal is to have our own cows one day. So we are always talking about what our brand would look like to burn on the cows (I love animals but that is just the way of the ranch). So I was trying to come up with a name for my "little" side job. Branding Iron popped in my head, because I am "branding" monograms on things. We are putting your stamp on it so people know it is yours! I hope yall like. Maybe I can do a little "Branding" for you : )
Above is the link to a new blog I have set up. It is to show all my sewing, embroidery & appliqueing. I have been doing jobs here & there for family & close friends. But I have not really said to the world, "Hey I can do stuff for you!!!" So, there! I have said it! If you follow this blog please follow my new blog, Branding Iron Boutique. My family is into ranching. My husbands & mine goal is to have our own cows one day. So we are always talking about what our brand would look like to burn on the cows (I love animals but that is just the way of the ranch). So I was trying to come up with a name for my "little" side job. Branding Iron popped in my head, because I am "branding" monograms on things. We are putting your stamp on it so people know it is yours! I hope yall like. Maybe I can do a little "Branding" for you : )
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
What a Day!
Yesterday was one of those days that just was bad, but in a funny sense. First off before I went to the store in the morning, I let my dogs out in our backyard. Right when I was about to go inside, a bird pooped on my shoulder. Thank goodness most of it missed me, but still GROSS. Then I went running in the afternoon through our neighborhood. I was near the end of my run AND I ALMOST busted it. Like it was one of those trips that arms are flying in the air and all. Thank goodness I caught myself, before I hit the ground. But if I would have I would have had really bad skinned up knees & hands. To top it off.......when I looked up a lady was standing there staring at me. She kind of giggle & I yelled, "You almost had to help me clean myself up!". She was nice but you know she told people see saw a girl running almost bust it. Then once I was home, I took a shower. I got shampoo in my ear, no big deal. When I got out when I sprayed on my smell good, I sprayed it in the other eye. I guess I was just having an off day, but I`m glad it is a new day!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I am Addicted!
So Monday morning I got on my laptop like normal. Then when my husband came home for lunch he asked, "Why is the laptop not turning on?". Well the adapter died! So I was like that stinks cause A.)We are saving to go home & for Christmas presents for family so no extra money B.) I live online. But then I thought it was no big deal we will get one sometime. BTW my laptop was dead so no adapter to charge equals no turning on. Then it hit me.....I had a monogram job I had to have done & back to the client by this next Monday. No good, you download fonts & such to computer, then go on your program to put on your card to put on machine. So I couldn`t do it! Thank goodness I have great sisters! Ambrey ordered me one & had it sent 2 day mail. But with those 3 days with no laptop I actually got a lot of sewing done for my husband!
This is the MAIN reason my husband bought me my sewing/embroidery machine, to hem his sleeves. Want to know how many I have done.....well this one in the photo AND a long sleeve one (but that was a practice one). Every time he walks by the sewing room while I`m in there he asks if I have done his shirt! I also sewed some pants & shorts for him too.
Sorry for the poor quality photos. If you follow my blog, you know I some how broke mine so I stole my husband's. WELL NOW I some how have broke his and he said he is not buying me another for a while. Thank goodness for camera phones! I guess it will make due for now :)
This is the MAIN reason my husband bought me my sewing/embroidery machine, to hem his sleeves. Want to know how many I have done.....well this one in the photo AND a long sleeve one (but that was a practice one). Every time he walks by the sewing room while I`m in there he asks if I have done his shirt! I also sewed some pants & shorts for him too.
Here is the job I was needing to do when my adapter died. These are for Ziggy (just a nickname), my oldest nephew's future wife :) They are her school uniform shirts.
Here are two things I worked on that I have been meaning to post. The first is a "fall banner" to hang in the house. It is sample fabrics sewn together then embroidered. The second is a sign I bought at the Dollar store for $1, I just added some "flare" to it. I LOVE the fall.
I have changed out my summer flower arrangements for my fall ones AND all my candles to Yankee candles Autumn Leaves and Autumn Wreath. I`m just waiting till Sept. 1st to put up ALL my fall decor! I can`t wait!Sorry for the poor quality photos. If you follow my blog, you know I some how broke mine so I stole my husband's. WELL NOW I some how have broke his and he said he is not buying me another for a while. Thank goodness for camera phones! I guess it will make due for now :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
First Official Applique

My niece is turning one on the 20th! So I made her this, it is a purse applique. It was not as stressful because it was for my niece & I paid for all the supplies. But it still took me a while because I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Of course I can tell you a couple things wrong, but I think it turned out pretty good. Hopefully soon I`ll have much more to post!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Samaritan Women
I have wondered off the path AGAIN. I`ll be so good for weeks and then BOOM, I trip & I stay down. Then I look at others and see how good Christians they are and I think, "Am I the only one who struggles with my walk?" I know that isn`t true but do you feel like that too sometimes? Like for others it is so easy & for you self it is the hardest thing ever? Ugh......I feel more like the Samaritan women (don`t worry I don`t have 5 husbands!). I just mean I feel like the bottom of the "model Christian" pole. How can God love a sinner like me? Who judges, gossips, & puts things before God. The Samaritan women was longing for that hole in her heart to be filled (rememebr 5 husbands?), but we know God is the only one who can. I know I do that. I try to by trying to be the best at everything (clothes, decorating, cooking, sewing, working out) . I strive so hard, but at the end of the day there is something missing. Hmmmm I wonder what it is......Oh yes JESUS! Those things can`t fill the hole that only He can fill, but I still try to. Oh the woes of being a sinner. So I just want to put it out there, I`m not the best Christian sometimes, but I do love God & I try. I know He knows that.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Crazy Lady....
Here is my sleeping mask I made & monogrammed. 2 years ago at Christmas I bought a sleeping mask. Now I can`t not.....I really mean that.....sleep with out it. Ask my husband, once I left it somewhere else. That night I tied a sweater around my head so I could sleep haha. I`m a crazy lady, I know.
My mother bought me a sleeping mask for my past b-day, but some of the string was coming out & tickling my nose. So while I was laying in bed I thought, "I should make one & monogram it!" So I did & it was much harder then I was thinking. But I think it came out quite cute! The fabric is actually sample fabric for upholstery. I use to work at a furniture store & when the fabric was discontinued the sample fabric was thrown out. So my boss would let us take the samples.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sewing Room.....
Last week my tonsils were killing me, but I didn`t have a cold. About the middle of the week I thought I was better. Well Matt got sick but he had a cold w/ his tonsils hurting. And guess who he gave it back I can`t breathe, I`m achy & my tonsils hurt : ( This also means I can`t go run, which makes me very upset! Pity party is over now......
When we first moved here my sewing "room" was our dining table.
When we first moved here my sewing "room" was our dining table.
My sewing/embroidery machine is loud, & my husband would give me dirty looks from his blue chair in the den (The blue chair is a WHOLE NOTHER story). So we went to the local Walmart & Matt bought me a card table (came with 4 chairs) for my machine. So I put it up in the spare bedroom upstairs. But with guest coming & going, I had to put my machine up for blow up mattress. SO finally I set everything back up. And this is my sewing room.
Well sewing room/Army storage room. But I like it, I pull up the blinds & our big oak tree is my view. Kitty sits on the window seal & looks out the window while I scream, cry & almost curse haha. The fabric on the ground is a project I`m working on. I wanted to show a photo of the dress I made for my niece.
This is Miss Finley....she is chubby & I miss her SOOOO much. Anyways I made a dress for her before I moved. With moving & the whole sewing room thing, I had put off putting her name on it. While then I saw this photo & I thought, "Oh no she might be too chubby if I don`t send it soon!" SO I finished it yesterday.
The fabric is from Wal-mart. The pattern I got from JoAnn's Fabrics. Very simple dress to make, great for summertime : )
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Questions for God......
Stories of children with cancer go straight to my heart every time. I just watched a video of a little girl with brain cancer at her birthday party. I just sat there balling my eyes out. Those sweet little babies have not done one thing wrong. I know God has a reason for everything but in those times it is hard to see why. I`m 25 years old, & I have done stuff to my body that isn`t healthy. I have have sinned, a lot, but I`m still here. God hasn`t taken me home.
When my friends came to visit us here, my girlfriends & I had a long talk about God and all. A girl from our college (I didn`t know her) died, she was a strong Christian. We were just talking about how we are taught God has a reason for each of us being here. And there is something we are suppose to do. We talked about, once you do your "reason for being a live", what happens then? You died? I know there are no answers. Only God knows but you can`t help but wonder.
When my friends came to visit us here, my girlfriends & I had a long talk about God and all. A girl from our college (I didn`t know her) died, she was a strong Christian. We were just talking about how we are taught God has a reason for each of us being here. And there is something we are suppose to do. We talked about, once you do your "reason for being a live", what happens then? You died? I know there are no answers. Only God knows but you can`t help but wonder.
Friday, July 9, 2010
What I Miss About Home.....
I miss the ranch. I miss riding around with the windows down just looking at the land. The ranch is where Matt asked me to marry him.
I miss downtown. I worked there, ate lunch there & shopped there. It is the best downtown EVER.
I miss my parents. They are the coolest & best parents ever. They support me & Matt in whatever we do. It makes me tear up looking at this photo. It will have been 6 month when I finally see them. I`m the baby of the family....this can explain all of me.
My sisters (Ambrey, Hayley, Brannan, Ashton & me). If you have sisters you understand. You can yell & scream at them but no matter what they love you & ALWAYS have your back. They are your best friends for life wheater you like it or not : )
My friends. They beside my sisters, love me no matter what. I have lived with each one of these girls & they still love me. That is a BIG deal haha. They are great friends and I wouldn`t trade them for anything!
This girl. She sat with me EVERY night. She listened to me cry and complain about my husband being at war. She put her life on hold for a year for me. I don`t know how to ever show her my thanks.
I have always lived in my hometown. I am 4th generation there. In high school you think, "I can`t wait to leave". But once you are older you see this is the place you want to raise your kids. It is a great place and I love it. There is no place like home <3
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