Here are some photos I snapped at the ranch the other morning while I was feeding the dogs. I can`t wait to wake up & it feel cool! The photos make you feel like it would be cool outside....not just yet!
Get ready for a Parker over load! This boy is growing & growing & I love watching it!
This is how I feel today. He is going to stay the weekend with Matt's Mother. We set it up with her for him to come one weekend a month. She lives an hour away so she doesn`t get to see him that often. This way she gets a lot of time with him & Matt & I have a weekend with just us two. I`m happy to have time with my husband, but I will feel like the picture above when we leave him!
This is how I will feel Sunday when we pick him up!
My 3rd sister Ambrey just finished her Doctorate in Business. There is more to her title but I can`t remember it exactly & I don`t want to be wrong! But we are so happy for her! We had a little graduation party for her last weekend.
Parker is moving into the world of baby food! Chunky is drinking formula like crazy so we have started baby cereal at night. He was doing good with it but this week we started on bananas. He now doesn`t care for the baby cereal haha. We do a little bit of bananas in the morning and a little bit of baby cereal at night. He is just a big boy & was needing more then just formula. It is going really well, next week we are going to try a veggie. The doctor said try one thing at a time to see if they are allergic to it, hopefully we won`t run across that problem!
Big boy LOVES sitting up, so we tried out his to go highchair. He actually liked it but is not totally ready to sit in it on his own. He would start to lean every now & then haha but I just had to take some photos of him! He looks so grown up!
Matt has went back to school to finish his degree. He got his AA then joined the Army. The college we met at has an adult program at night to work towards your B.A. He does one class a month, going Thursday nights & one Saturday a month. He had to do a power point presentation on John Deere. So we threw this picture of Parker in at the end of his Power Point......I think some one should get extra credit haha He said the class loved it!