Friday, June 24, 2011
40 Weeks & No Mr. Parker
Yup that is right, I`m 40 weeks today. No Mr. Parker......this stinks! BUT I do have a finish line in sight! If nothing happens this weekend, this Monday I`ll be induced at 6am. So, that does make me feel a little better, but I`m so over waiting. I guess he just doesn`t want to come out on his own. I went to the docter yesterday & I was the same from last week. I was strechted for the 2nd time, this time to 3 cenimeters. We were hoping that would jump start everything but no. I walk everyday for an hour also, no help. But like I said, at least I have a finish line now!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Happenings at the Ranch
Matt with the gator some of the cowboys hide in the food barrel for the horses. Matt reached in to get food to feed the horses & this is what he found. 
On Father's Day Matt's father, Granny, sister & cousins came out to the ranch.
Kenzie, Matt's little sister, wanted to ride so Matt set her up.
The horse they were riding was the horse that threw Matt off & ripped his spleen in half. So I wasn`t too happy he let his sister ride him, BUT she did great!
Matt welded this saddle rack, you can stack 3 saddles on it.
I love this picture. I have said it before but clouds, to me, make me feel God's presence. It looks like Heaven to me.
The Ranch Life
Matt & I live out on my parent's ranch. Matt actually lived here before he joined the Army. Below is a picture of where he stayed when he was single, the bunk house, which is attached to the barn. Don`t you love the dish? Don`t worry now that we are married we have moved up to the ranch house, it is across the yard. It is a 3 bed 2 bath house built, I would say, in the 70's. It is a blessing, & we love living out here, peace & quite! Here are some photos I took one day while riding around the ranch.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Nursery
Well it is finally done, minus the mattress & curtains. The mattress came in yesterday, just haven`t put it in the bed yet. I still need to go buy fabric to make the curtains. We did not paint the walls, the ranch house is a temporary house. But I think it is still cute, I mean handsome haha It fits perfectly with the theme in our home.
The Changing Table/Dresser & Glider (Please ignore the ugly window)
The Glider Matt's cousin gave us. The pillow I made, the blanket was a gift from a family friend.
A little table my Mom gave us. It will be good for sitting bottles & things on while on the Glider.The lamp & the old books my Mom gave us. The bandanna on the lamp is from the baby shower in Matt's hometown. The baby book will hold Parker's first photos (if he ever gets here!).
His crib & bedding. The little cow blanket is from Matt's sister. The little tractor Matt & I bought.
The chest. The red scooter was mine, I got it when I was 5 for Christmas.
My Mom made this for my hometown shower.
This is the hanger I bought at an antique shop in Kentucky.
My Sister, Brannan, painted these for Parker. It is an outlaw & a sheriff.
My Mom gave us the photo of the puppies (they kind of look like Bama) & the other two signs I pulled from our own home decorations.
Matt's Father gave us this picture. His mother gave it to him, & now he gave it to us. It fits Parker's room perfect!
The picture is from my Uncle Bany's (where we got Parker's middle name) house. It is actually cloth, with different saddles on it. The little sliver picture frame my Mom gave us. The boot arrangement my Mom gave us but my Aunt Marian (who I am named after) made. The 3 bowls sets we bought. The Auburn/Alabama ones are the ones I used when I told Matt I was pregnant. I asked him "I wonder which they will be?" He was like, "Huh?" (remember this was at like 6am). I said, "I`m pregnant!" BTW......They will be AUBURN : ) The diaper cake is from my hometown shower, my sister Ambrey made. The little boots on top are from Matt's Aunt Shelia & Uncle Rodney.
My Mother gave us this little "chair", which is actually a toilet! The cloth black & white book is from Matt's Aunt Karen. She gave it to him when he was born, then it went to Matt's cousins & now onto Parker. The cowboy book we bought. The other 2 books & the keys were gifts from family friends.
So other then the mattress & curtains, that is it. As you can see the theme is cowboy/country. I really do love it & can`t wait to see my little man in there!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pregnancy Survey
How far along?: 39 weeks & 3 Days
Total weight gain: 18-19 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
How much does baby weigh?: Baby says they are usually a little over 7 lbs at this time, but I have a feeling he will be more like 6 lbs something.Maternity clothes?: I pretty much wear dresses 24/7
Stretch marks?: Still none! I hope none just pop up!
Sleep?: Not so good, I wake up every 2 hours. Plus I`m anxious
Best moment this week?: Hopefully his arrival!
Movement?: Good ole knees poking out
Gender? a boy
Food cravings?: Toppers (Ice Cream Shop) about every other day
Labor signs?: None, at all......yeah it sucks!
Belly button in or out?: It is out
What I miss: My feet!
What I'm looking forward to: Him!!!! Hopefully this week or weekend!
Milestone: I have passed my mucus plug (tmi, sorry!) so I`m hoping he will be coming soon......I pray!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Matt's Hometown Baby Shower
Matt's Aunt & two cousins threw me a shower in Matt's hometown. It too was cowboy themed & adorable!
The cake they had made. It was so cute & tasted great!
Matt's coming home outfit, which Parker will be wearing home.
Matt's outfit from his 2 year old photos. Which I plan for Parker to wear too.
Matt's snake skin boots, Matt's Mother gave us all these clothes. I love things that have memories behind them.
One of my favorite gifts, the cow carseat from Matt's Mother & Step Father.
A poem written by one of Matt's aunt, which made me cry, which made everyone cry.
All the diapers people brought, we were so thankful.
The hostesses with me (Deanna, Me, Aunt Cheryl, & Kate).
My Hometown Baby Shower
My Sisters & my 2 best friends threw me a baby shower when I moved back home. I showed some photos in a earlier post from the shower. It was at one of my sister's house. The theme was cowboy, & was super cute.
My sister Ambrey made the diaper cake.
An arrangement my Mother had made.
One of the tables outside.
Me with the wagon wheel, which now hangs in Parker's nursery.
Jennifer, Lauren, Me, Amanda & Courtney.
Fat girl stuffing her face! It gets better, it broke apart the second I took a bite & fell right onto my stomach.
My sisters & I with Grandma Gukich (father's mother). Ambrey (Left on floor), Brannan (Right on floor), Hayley (Left Standing), Me (Center standing), & Ashton (Right Standing).
Thursday, June 16, 2011
9 Days Left!
That is how many days we are away from my due date! It is so crazy to think! Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks! I went to the doctor today & was checked for the second time. The first time I was checked last week I was maybe a centimeter dilated & 50% effaced. This week I am 2 - 3 centimeters dilated & 80% effaced. I`m so ready for him to come, I went walking for 20 minutes & am going to go again tonight with Matt. I am between 18-19 lbs now from pre pregnancy weight. But lately I have been killing the sweets because really I have 9 days left, who cares!
I just wanted to share some sweet photos of my 2 nieces! I have so many pictures since I have moved back home but some how just can`t seem to get on here & share them.
This is Miss Finley, she is a crazy lady but so cute! Everytime she sees me she yells, "MEL" in a deep voice. Not sure why she always says it in a deep voice but I love it. And she always feeds me "Num Nums" aka food.
This is sweet Miss Maysen. She is a little bigger then this now. It is so fun to watch her grow. Yesterday she rolled on her side twice! Her & Mr. Parker will be about 3 months apart & I hope great buddies. If he doesn`t always try to beat her up or rope her!
Just wanted to throw in a photo of Matt & I. I actually just got my hair cut yesterday, about 3 inches off! It was a lot but I REALLY needed it. Plus I want to look good in my delivery photos!!
Here is a photo from my LW baby shower my sisters & best friends threw for me. My sister Ambrey (Maysen's mom) made the diaper cake. It was so cute, & is now sitting in his nursery.
So is this wagon wheel my Mother made. It is hanging above his changing table. This was also from the shower in LW, the theme was cowboy.
I still have photos to share from my Lakeland shower & Parker's Nursery. Hopefully soon & hopefully soon photos of him. Matt swears he is coming tomorrow but we will see. I told him though that will be his Father's Day gift, his son. Update on insurance, we do have it, & the state has recognized Matt as being in the National Guard. The only bad thing, we don`t have our new insurance cards yet. But as of now I don`t care, I`m just happy we have insurance! So that is done, my bag is packed, the house is clean, now we are just waiting around on him!
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