In June of 1999 my mom received some of the worst news of her life. As my mom, some of my sisters and I sat around the kitchen table talking her phone rang. It was her doctor telling her that the lump tested at his office that was initially thought to be nothing ended up being cancerous. As she tried to be strong for us we could clearly see the fear in her eyes as she kept repeating that we had to call my dad. After a lumpectomy and chemo treatment she was cleared and remained cancer free for 10 years. Then when I was pregnant with my second child in 2006 again mom was told she had breast cancer. This time a mastectomy and more chemo helped her win this emotionally draining battle with cancer. Watching my mom trying to hold back tears in Dillard's as we quickly tried to hide the hair that was falling out in the hats we were helping her try on was terribly hard but if it wasn't for the research that discovered chemo....I don't even like to think about it.
26.2 with Donna is a race is in Jacksonville, FL on Feb. 12, 2012 where 100% of the race profits are going to breast cancer research. Last year my husband, Justin, and I created a non-profit charitable organization called Gimme 4 Incorporated, to help a good friend financially as he was fighting cancer. The goal of Gimme 4 Inc. is to raise money for cancer patients and cancer research. My husband is running the full marathon and I am running the half-marathon (13.1) because I am only half-crazy! My goal is to raise $500 and donate it all to 26.2 with Donna. I will admit that Justin and I have made it a competition to raise money for our race and I am woman enough to admit that as of right now he is winning. I will also admit, I want to win! If you find it in your heart or pocketbook that you feel the need to donate please make a check payable to: Gimme 4 IncorporatedPO Box 321Lake Wales, FL 33859
Any amount is helpful and greatly appreciated!
Love, Hayley
Facebook Page for Gimmie4